January 7, 2003
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Rocheleau, Robert Ricker, Sharon McManus, Peter Brennan Tim Eithier
STAFF: Pamela Harding
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Chapter 61 Property – The Committee stated that they were disappointed that the Board of Selectmen refused first option to purchase a parcel of property being taken out of Chapter 61 located on Chapin Road before any Town Boards or Commissions had a chance to review and comment on the parcel. The option for the AHPC to review properties being taken out of Chapter 61 was included in the Action Plan.
Dimmick Property –Satir Papalilo attended the meeting to discuss the Committees opinion regarding the construction of a Chapter 40B project on an approved but unconstructed subdivision located on the northern portion of Route 112A, across from the intersection of Route 68. The subdivision is referred to as the Dimmick property. Mr. Satir stated that he has done a variety of Chapter 40B projects in Uxbridge, Hopkinton, Westborough and Weston. The approved subdivision plan is for five lots located on a cul-de-sac. Mr. Satir distributed floor plans and architectural drawings and presented a preliminary development plan for his proposal. Mr. Satir utilized the approved roadway and proposed approximately 32 homes on the approximately 10 acre parcel. Mr. Papalilo stated that he
likes to work in cooperation with the municipalities and if the project was not wanted they should let him know and he will pursue development elsewhere. The Committee unanimously agreed that it would be a good development, it was located on a main highway and had little impact on neighboring properties. Mr. Satir stated that he did need further approval for septic plans based on the new development scheme. The Committee also informed him that the pressure of the water supply in that area may be limited and he should check with the Department of Public Works Engineering Division. Mr. Satir proposed 26 three bedroom and six two bedroom units. The Commission questioned whether Mr. Papalilo would be willing to construct rental units, he stated that he would but that would completely change the design of the project into much larger buildings with more units. The Committee agreed that they liked the proposal as presented with Town home
style developments The development as presented would provide eight affordable units.
Review of Action Plan – Final review of the Actin Plan was completed and the Committee voted to forward it to the Town Manager and the Board of Selectmen for the Selectmen’s meetings scheduled for January 21, 2003.
Review of Comprehensive Permit Regulations - The Committee voted to send the draft of the Comprehensive permit regulations to the Zoning Board of Appeals and invite Ron Spakauskas to the next meeting.
Review of AHEPA Proposal – Property still needs to be located for the AHEPA proposal.
Putnam Lane – The Committee is awaiting a legal opinion on how to form a non-profit affordable housing development corporation so they can pursue the development of the Town employee affordable housing.
The next meeting will be held on January 23, 2003 at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20